Genomic conflict [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]

Registro completo de metadados
Autor(es): dc.creatorStearns, Stephen C.-
Data de aceite:
Data de disponibilização:
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Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier
Fonte: dc.identifier.uri
Descrição: dc.descriptionEducação Superior::Ciências Biológicas::Genética-
Descrição: dc.descriptionPresents a class of Professor Stephen Stearns that talks about evolutionary conflicts. These conflicts arise when the interests of various genomic elements are not aligned, and in two situations: either when one unit is contained within another, or when inheritance is asymmetrical-
Idioma: dc.languageen-
Publicador: dc.publisherYale University, Open Yale Courses-
Relação: dc.relationSelfishness and altruism [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationAlternative breeding strategies [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationMating systems and parental care [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationEvolutionary game theory: fighting and contests [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationEconomic decisions for the foraging individual [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationWhy so many species? the factors affecting biodiversity [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationEnergy and matter in ecosystems [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationIsland biogeography and invasive species [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationEcological communities [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationInterspecific competition [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationPopulation growth: density effects [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationInteractions with the physical environment [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationClimate and the distribution of life on earth [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationThe logic of science [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationThe impact of evolutionary thought on the Social Sciences [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationEvolutionary medicine [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationCoevolution [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationThe fossil record and life's history [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationMajor events in the geological theatre [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationKey events in evolution [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationComparative methods: trees, maps, and traits [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationPhylogeny and systematics [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationSpecies and speciation [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationSexual selection [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationSex allocation [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationLife history evolution [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationThe evolution of sex [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationThe expression of variation: reaction norms [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationThe importance of development in evolution [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationThe origin and maintenance of genetic variation [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationHow selection changes the genetic composition of population [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationNeutral evolution: genetic drift [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationAdaptive evolution: natural selection [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationBasic transmission genetics [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationThe nature of evolution: selection, inheritance, and history [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Relação: dc.relationGenomic Conflict.mp3-
Direitos: dc.rightsYale University 2009. Some rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable Credits section of certain lecture pages, all content on this web site is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Please refer to the Credits section to determine whether third-party restrictions on the use of content apply-
???dc.source???: dc.source
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectEducação Superior::Ciências Biológicas::Genética::Genética Humana e Médica-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectGenome-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectOrganelle-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectCell-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectGene-
Título: dc.titleGenomic conflict [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]-
Tipo de arquivo: dc.typeáudio-
???dc.description2???: dc.description2To learn about genomic conflict-
???dc.description3???: dc.description3Duration: 47 min, 50 s. To hear this resource its necessary the instalation of Quick time. Available at: <>-
Aparece nas coleções:Repositório Institucional - MEC BIOE

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