Twilight of the polis: part 2 and conclusion [Introduction to ancient Greek history]

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Autor(es): dc.creatorKagan, Donald-
Data de aceite:
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Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier
Fonte: dc.identifier.uri
Descrição: dc.descriptionEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::História-
Descrição: dc.descriptionPresents part of course, introduction to ancient Greek history, when Professor Kagan tells the story of the rise of Philip, King of Macedon, and describes his early actions: unifying Macedon, defeating barbarian armies, and creating a new, professional, national army. Philip was able to make inroads into the Greek world. The Greeks under the efforts of Athens and Demosthenes decided to face Philip in the battle of Chaeronea. The battle was won by Philip and his Macedonian forces. Professor Kagan, explain about Demosthenes how the man that who love liberty must fight for it, even against odds, even when there is little support, even when victory seems impossible and concludes that his actions should be judged as a noble endeavor of one who loved freedom-
Idioma: dc.languageen-
Publicador: dc.publisherYale University, Open Yale Courses-
Relação: dc.relationSparta: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationSparta: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
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Relação: dc.relationThe Greek "renaissance": colonization and tyranny: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationThe rise of the polis : part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
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Relação: dc.relationIntroduction to ancient Greek history: introduction-
Relação: dc.relationTwilight of the polis: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
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Relação: dc.relationThe struggle for hegemony in fourth-century Greece: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationThe Peloponnesian war: part 4 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
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Relação: dc.relationThe Peloponnesian war: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationThe Peloponnesian war: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationAthenian democracy: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relation Athenian democracy: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationThe athenian empire: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationThe athenian empire: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
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Relação: dc.relationThe rise of Athens: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationThe rise of Athens: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Relação: dc.relationTwilight__polis_part_2_conclusion_Introduction_ancient_Greek_history.mp3-
Direitos: dc.rightsYale University 2009. Some rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable Credits section of certain lecture pages, all content on this web site is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Please refer to the Credits section to determine whether third-party restrictions on the use of content apply-
???dc.source???: dc.source
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::História::História Antiga e Medieval-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectAncient Greece-
Título: dc.titleTwilight of the polis: part 2 and conclusion [Introduction to ancient Greek history]-
Tipo de arquivo: dc.typeáudio-
???dc.description2???: dc.description2To show the rise of Philip, King of Macedon, and describes his actions-
???dc.description3???: dc.description3Duration: 1 h, 16 min. To hear this resource its necessary the instalation of Quick time. Available at: <>-
Aparece nas coleções:Repositório Institucional - MEC BIOE

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