The collapse of communism and global challenges [European civilization: 1648-1945]

Registro completo de metadados
Autor(es): dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)-
Autor(es): dc.creatorMerriman, John-
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Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier
Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier
Fonte: dc.identifier.uri
Descrição: dc.descriptionPresents part of course, European Civilization, 1648-1945, when Professor John Merriman presents three important factors, resulted of The disintegration of the Soviet Union, ones are nationalism among Soviet satellite states, democratic opposition movements, and economic crisis. Along with these elements, the role of Mikhail Gorbachev . Although his attempt to reform communism was rejected, his reformist positions as Soviet premier helped open the way for full-fledged political dissidence. One of the major challenges faced by Europe in the wake of the collapse of communism has been that posed by ethnic nationalism, a problem that erupted violently in the Balkans in the 1990s. Immigration and the defense of human rights are two problems that now confront the United States, as well as a United Europe-
Descrição: dc.descriptionEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::História-
Publicador: dc.publisherYale University, Open Yale Courses-
Relação: dc.relationCollaboration and resistance in world war II [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationFascists [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationStalinism [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationSuccessor states of eastern Europe [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationThe Romanovs and the Russian revolution [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationSites of memory, sites of mourning (Guest lecture by Jay Winters) [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationWar in the trenches [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationThe coming of the great war [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationImperialists and boy scouts [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationRadicals [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationNationalism [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationNineteenth-Century cities [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationWhy no revolution in 1848 in Britain [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationPopular protest [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationMiddle classes [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationIndustrial revolutions [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationNapoleon [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationMaximilien Robespierre and the French revolution [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationThe enlightenment and the public sphere [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationPeter the great [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationDutch and British exceptionalism [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationAbsolutism and the state [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Relação: dc.relationEuropean civilization: 1648-1945: introduction-
Relação: dc.relationhist202_24_120308.mp3-
Direitos: dc.rightsYale University 2009. Some rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable Credits section of certain lecture pages, all content on this web site is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Please refer to the Credits section to determine whether third-party restrictions on the use of content apply-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectSocialism-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectGlobalization-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectPerestroika-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectCzechoslovakia-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectRussia-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectCommunism-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::História::História Moderna e Contemporânea-
Título: dc.titleThe collapse of communism and global challenges [European civilization: 1648-1945]-
Tipo de arquivo: dc.typeáudio-
Aparece nas coleções:Repositório Institucional - Acervo Digital Unesp

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