The Deuteronomistic history: life in the land (Joshua and Judges) [Introduction to the old testament (Hebrew bible)]

Registro completo de metadados
Autor(es): dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)-
Autor(es): dc.creatorHayes, Christine-
Data de aceite:
Data de disponibilização:
Data de envio:
Data de envio:
Data de envio:
Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier
Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier
Fonte: dc.identifier.uri
Descrição: dc.descriptionEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::Teologia-
Descrição: dc.descriptionEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::História-
Descrição: dc.descriptionPresents a class that discussoes the Old Testament. This lecture concludes the study of Deuteronomy and traces the contribution of the Deuteronomistic School: a historiosophy according to which Israel's fortunes are dependent upon and an indicator of her fidelity to the covenant. The books of the Former Prophets are introduced with attention to their historical and geographical context. The book of Joshua's account of Israel's conquest of Canaan is contrasted with scholarly accounts of Israel's emergence in Canaan and formation as a nation state-
Publicador: dc.publisherYale University, Open Yale Courses-
Relação: dc.relationThe Deuteronomistic History.mp3-
Direitos: dc.rightsYale University 2009. Some rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable Credits section of certain lecture pages, all content on this web site is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Please refer to the Credits section to determine whether third-party restrictions on the use of content apply-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectHoly Bible-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectReligion-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::Teologia::História da Teologia-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::História::História Antiga e Medieval-
Título: dc.titleThe Deuteronomistic history: life in the land (Joshua and Judges) [Introduction to the old testament (Hebrew bible)]-
Tipo de arquivo: dc.typeáudio-
Aparece nas coleções:Repositório Institucional - Acervo Digital Unesp

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