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Metadados | Descrição | Idioma |
???dc.contributor.advisor???: dc.contributor.advisor | Kavanagh, Edward | - |
Autor(es): | Oliveira, Marcia Helena Castro de | - |
Data de aceite: | 2015-09-02T19:51:43Z | - |
Data de aceite: | 2017-03-17T14:45:17Z | - |
Data de disponibilização: | 2015-09-02T19:51:43Z | - |
Data de disponibilização: | 2017-03-17T14:45:17Z | - |
Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier | | - |
???dc.identifier.citation???: dc.identifier.citation | OLIVEIRA, Marcia Helena Castro de. Aproveitamento da água de chuva. 2014. 36 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014. | pt_BR |
Fonte: dc.identifier.uri | | - |
Resumo: dc.description.abstract | Water scarcityisa result of climate conditions in certain areas, especially where rainfall is irregular causing long droughts. Brazil is a country in South America with large territory, water natural beauty, diversity in land scape, fauna and flora. It also has diversity climate predominantly tropical climate. The Brazilian territory is divided into regions - North, North east, Center West, Southeast and South. Pass through the territory of Brazil the lines of Ecuador and Tropic of Capricorn, this one passes through the city of São Paulo. The semi-arid climate occurs in the Northeast. This region is known as the Drought Polygon which corresponds to almost all North eastern territory including large part of the São Francisco River Valley. To improve the quality of life of this Brazil I an region, the Federal Government implemented the Training and Social Mobilization for Coexistence with the Semi-arid where we can high light the Program-One Land and Two Waters (P1+ 2) and the Program-One Million Cisterns (P1MC). In this program, one of the goals, is to build a million cisterns for a in water harvesting to be used by the rural population without access to safe drink in gwater. The states of south eastern Brazil are experiencing as ever e drought, including the State of São Paulo, damaging millions of people. The city of São Paulo is supplied by water captured by the following systems: Cantareira, Guarapiranga, Alto Tietê and Rio Claro. The Cantareira system that supplies much of the metropolitan area of São Paulo is the most affected in the years 2014 and 2015 operating at approximately 5.1% of the capacity of the dams that form the system. The company that manages the drinking water collection system and also the sewage system in the State of São Paulo (Sabesp) is granting discounts on consumer account water that reduces water consumption. This study aimed to search the literature, scientific articles, the internet news, television, newspapers and magazines about the most common types of water harvesting, it’s working principle and use focusing mainly in the Brazilian northeastern hinterland. After the search, a minicistern was built by the students of9th grade of elementary school in as tate school in the east ern area of the city of São Paulo. The result was positive because aroused great interest in residential and commercial population to build cisterns to collect rainwater and use it in activities that do not require drinking water. | pt_BR |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | Água - Reuso | pt_BR |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | Cisternas | pt_BR |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | Água - Captação | pt_BR |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | Water reuse | pt_BR |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | Cisterns | pt_BR |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | Water, harvesting | pt_BR |
Título: dc.title | Aproveitamento da água de chuva | pt_BR |
Tipo de arquivo: dc.type | outro | pt_BR |
Aparece nas coleções: | Repositorio Institucional da UTFPR - RIUT |
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