A escassez de água em propriedades rurais de Peritiba, SC

Registro completo de metadados
???dc.contributor.advisor???: dc.contributor.advisorSchutz, Fabiana Costa de Araujo-
Autor(es): dc.contributor.authorSander, Vania Franciele-
Data de aceite: dc.date.accessioned2015-09-17T21:18:52Z-
Data de aceite: dc.date.accessioned2017-03-17T14:44:37Z-
Data de disponibilização: dc.date.available2015-09-17T21:18:52Z-
Data de disponibilização: dc.date.available2017-03-17T14:44:37Z-
Fonte completa do material: dc.identifierhttp://repositorio.roca.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/4604-
???dc.identifier.citation???: dc.identifier.citationSANDER, Vania Franciele. A escassez de água em propriedades rurais de Peritiba, SC. 2014. 35 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.pt_BR
Fonte: dc.identifier.urihttp://www.educapes.capes.gov.br/handlecapes/172546-
Resumo: dc.description.abstractThe importance of water as an essential resource for life and any productive activity developed by man is unquestionable, as the demand of water resources in terms of quantity and quality depends on the economic activity and the production system adopted, which is why the current agricultural scenario and economic management of water resources becomes essential. In the municipality of Peritiba, Midwest region of Santa Catarina, has been recurring shortages, which cause difficulties in the development of certain agricultural activities. This research was carried out on farms identified as a risk to the water supply in times of below average rainfall, sought to identify the relationship between the scarcity of water resources and the developed properties in the surveyed economic activities, as well as how this problem can be minimized. Upon reading of the situation presented by the results of this research shows the urgent need for implementation or improvement of the control of water management in the properties that represent the sample problem and gradually in other external input requesting this feature in order to achieve all future rural areas of the municipality. Another step in the solution of the problem of scarcity is planning the need for natural resources, uses thereof, as well as the reflections of these uses over time, as essential for the continuation of agricultural production conditions, and development of sustainable production practices.pt_BR
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectÁgua - Usopt_BR
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectAbastecimento de águapt_BR
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectRecursos naturais - Conservaçãopt_BR
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectWater usept_BR
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectWater-supplypt_BR
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectConservation of natural resourcespt_BR
Título: dc.titleA escassez de água em propriedades rurais de Peritiba, SCpt_BR
Tipo de arquivo: dc.typeoutropt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Repositorio Institucional da UTFPR - RIUT

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