Protein restriction during puberty alters nutritional parameters and affects ovarian and uterine histomorphometry in adulthood in rats

Registro completo de metadados
Autor(es): dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)-
Autor(es): dc.creatorde Morais Oliveira, Diego Augusto [UNESP]-
Autor(es): dc.creatorLupi, Luiz Antonio [UNESP]-
Autor(es): dc.creatorSilveira, Henrique Spaulonci [UNESP]-
Autor(es): dc.creatorde Almeida Chuffa, Luiz Gustavo [UNESP]-
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Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier
Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier
Fonte: dc.identifier.uri
Descrição: dc.descriptionIn a large part of the population inefficient ingestion of proteins, whether for cultural, aesthetic or economic reasons, is a global concern. Low-protein diets can cause severe functional complications, mainly during the development and maturation of organs and systems, including the female reproductive system. The present study investigated the effect of nutritional protein restriction during puberty on the oestrous cycle and expression of sex steroid receptors (AR, ERα e ERβ) in ovarian and uterine tissues of adult rats. Protein restriction promoted lower body weight gain, feed efficiency and higher caloric intake. There was an increase in the oestrus phase arrest without changing the total length of the oestrous cycle. The consumption of low-protein diet also reduced the thickness of the uterine endometrium (uterine epithelium and endometrial stroma) in addition to increasing the number of primary and atretic follicles in the ovaries. Furthermore, the low-protein diet reduced the levels of androgen receptor (AR) and increased the oestrogen receptor β (ERβ) in the ovary, while no significant changes were observed in the uterus. Our study reinforces the importance of adequate protein intake during puberty, since physiological changes in this developmental period interfere with the histomorphometry of the ovaries and uteri, possibly resulting in impaired folliculogenesis and fertility in the reproductive period.-
Descrição: dc.descriptionDepartment of Structural and Functional Biology Institute of Biosciences UNESP - São Paulo State University-
Descrição: dc.descriptionGraduate Program in Nutrition Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu UNESP-
Descrição: dc.descriptionDepartment of Structural and Functional Biology Institute of Biosciences UNESP - São Paulo State University-
Descrição: dc.descriptionGraduate Program in Nutrition Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu UNESP-
Formato: dc.format93-104-
Idioma: dc.languageen-
Relação: dc.relationInternational Journal of Experimental Pathology-
???dc.source???: dc.sourceScopus-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectlow-protein diet-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectnutritional parameters-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectovary-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectprotein restriction-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectsex steroid receptors-
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectuterus-
Título: dc.titleProtein restriction during puberty alters nutritional parameters and affects ovarian and uterine histomorphometry in adulthood in rats-
Tipo de arquivo: dc.typelivro digital-
Aparece nas coleções:Repositório Institucional - Unesp

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