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Metadados | Descrição | Idioma |
Autor(es): dc.contributor | Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) | - |
Autor(es): dc.creator | Camilli, Marcelo P [UNESP] | - |
Autor(es): dc.creator | de Barros, Daniel C B [UNESP] | - |
Autor(es): dc.creator | Justulin, Luis A [UNESP] | - |
Autor(es): dc.creator | Tse, Marcos L P [UNESP] | - |
Autor(es): dc.creator | Orsi, Ricardo de Oliveira [UNESP] | - |
Data de aceite: | 2022-02-22T00:34:54Z | - |
Data de disponibilização: | 2022-02-22T00:34:54Z | - |
Data de envio: | 2020-12-11 | - |
Data de envio: | 2020-12-11 | - |
Data de envio: | 2019-12-31 | - |
Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier | | - |
Fonte completa do material: dc.identifier | | - |
Fonte: dc.identifier.uri | | - |
Descrição: dc.description | This study assessed the effects of different protein levels on the development of the mandibular gland (MG) in six-day-old worker bees (Apis mellifera) during the dearth period. Twenty colonies were randomly assigned to one of four experimental diets containing 0%, 23%, 25%, or 27% crude protein (CP), with five replicates each. The experimental diets were composed of feed meal and honey sirup. Each colony was provided with 30 g of formulated feed every 3 days over a 36-day period. At the end of the experimental period, ten six-day-old worker bees were collected from each treatment for the morphological analysis of their MGs. The area of the MG was significantly larger in the bees fed protein-enriched feeds than in the controls. The height of the secretory cells in the MG was also significantly greater in all colonies fed protein-enriched feed than in the control group. However, the group that received the feed with 23% CP had significantly taller secretory cells than the other groups. Based on regression analysis, the ideal level of protein in the diet for the development of the MG was 22.2% CP. Thus, the use of protein-enriched feed promotes greater increases in the area and height of secretory MG cells in six-day-old honey bee workers. | - |
Descrição: dc.description | Center of Education Science and Technology in Rational Beekeeping (NECTAR) Department of Animal Production UNESP–Univ EstadualPaulista | - |
Descrição: dc.description | Department of Morphology UNESP–Univ EstadualPaulista | - |
Descrição: dc.description | Center of Education Science and Technology in Rational Beekeeping (NECTAR) Department of Animal Production UNESP–Univ EstadualPaulista | - |
Descrição: dc.description | Department of Morphology UNESP–Univ EstadualPaulista | - |
Idioma: dc.language | en | - |
Relação: dc.relation | Journal of Apicultural Research | - |
???dc.source???: dc.source | Scopus | - |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | beekeeping | - |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | morphology | - |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | nutrition | - |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | protein | - |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | royal jelly | - |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | supplementation | - |
Título: dc.title | Protein feed stimulates the development of mandibular glands of honey bees (Apis mellifera) | - |
Aparece nas coleções: | Repositório Institucional - Unesp |
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