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Metadados | Descrição | Idioma |
Autor(es): | Silva, Túlio Corrêa | - |
Data de aceite: | 2024-08-29T06:02:05Z | - |
Data de disponibilização: | 2024-08-29T06:02:05Z | - |
Data de envio: | 2024-08-28 | - |
Fonte: dc.identifier.uri | | - |
Resumo: dc.description.abstract | INTRODUCTION The introduction provides an overview of prostate cancer as a prevalent condition with significant implications for men's health worldwide. It outlines the evolution of therapeutic approaches and the growing recognition of the importance of quality of life (QoL) as a key consideration in treatment planning. The introduction highlights the shift from focusing solely on survival to incorporating patient-centered outcomes, such as physical, psychological, and social well-being, into the evaluation of treatment success. It sets the stage for a detailed exploration of the impact of various prostate cancer therapies on QoL. OBJETIVE To evaluate the impact of various prostate cancer therapies on the quality of life (QoL) of patients, with a focus on understanding the balance between treatment efficacy and the management of treatment-related side effects. METHODS This is a narrative review which included studies in the MEDLINE – PubMed (National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health), COCHRANE, EMBASE and Google Scholar databases, using as descriptors: “ “Quality of Life” AND “Prostate Cancer Therapy” OR “Androgen Deprivation Therapy” OR “Radical Prostatectomy” AND “Patient-Reported Outcomes” in the last years. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results and discussion section delves into the specific effects of different prostate cancer treatments on QoL. Radical prostatectomy, while effective in tumor control, is associated with significant risks of urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, impacting long-term QoL. Radiation therapy, including external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy, presents challenges such as gastrointestinal and urinary side effects. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is noted for its systemic side effects, including metabolic changes and psychological distress, which can severely affect QoL. Emerging therapies, such as targeted therapies and immunotherapy, offer new possibilities but also introduce new QoL considerations. The psychological impact of prostate cancer treatment, including issues like sexual dysfunction and emotional distress, is also discussed, emphasizing the need for comprehensive support systems. CONCLUSION The conclusion emphasizes the complexity of managing prostate cancer, where the goal is not only to control the disease but also to preserve and enhance the patient's quality of life. It calls for a patient-centered approach that considers the multifaceted impact of treatment on physical, psychological, and social well-being. The conclusion highlights the importance of ongoing research and the development of personalized therapies that balance efficacy with tolerability. The future of prostate cancer management is envisioned as one where treatment decisions are informed by a holistic understanding of the patient's needs, aiming to ensure that life after cancer remains fulfilling and dignified. | pt_BR |
Idioma: dc.language.iso | en | pt_BR |
Palavras-chave: dc.subject | Prostate | pt_BR |
Título: dc.title | Prostate Cancer Therapies and Their Impact on Quality of Life: A Literature Review (Atena Editora) | pt_BR |
Tipo de arquivo: dc.type | livro digital | pt_BR |
Aparece nas coleções: | Livros digitais |
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