The Democratic Political-Educational Thought of Anália Franco (Atena Editora)

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Autor(es): dc.contributor.authorMENEZES, LUCAS MARIEL DE-
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Fonte: dc.identifier.uri
Resumo: dc.description.abstractThis communication's theme is the educational thought developed by educator Anália Emília Franco (1853-1919) and her proposal to build a new model of republican citizenship through the adoption of anti-sexist and democratic ethics. Anália Franco, born in 1853, in Rio de Janeiro, was a normalist and, in addition to dedicating her professional life to teaching, was a writer and contributor to several periodicals with wide circulation in different regions of the Brazilian territory. Her articles had as their main theme’s popular education, democratic republicanism, female emancipation through the intellectualization and professionalization of women and the urgency of assistance measures for excluded social groups. Furthermore, Franco was also the founder of her own periodicals to disseminate her ideas and literary productions, as well as multiple socio-educational institutes. Therefore, based on José Murilo de Carvalho's concepts of full citizenship, incomplete citizenship and non-citizenship, we raise the hypothesis that the various institutions created by Anália Franco had as their purpose the transformation of non-citizens or incomplete citizens, that is, from individuals deprived or partially deprived of civil, social and political rights, into full citizens, through popular education. That said, to carry out this work, we made use of two groups of primary documentation, namely: 1- The periodicals produced by Anália Emília Franco, with emphasis on ``O Álbum das Meninas`` (1898-1901), a magazine dedicated to the female public and created during the period in which Franco had not developed his work in the institutional field, and ``A Voz Maternal`` (1903-1910), a press whose purpose was the official publication of the association coordinating the socio-educational institutions created by Franco. 2- Articles published in widely circulated periodicals, between 1890 and 1919, which analyze and give opinions on the socio-educational ideas and institutions of Anália Franco. This way, the research aimed to analyze the educational thought of Anália Emília Franco in the face of the sociopolitical reality of the First Brazilian Republic, in addition to presenting the political purposes of her theoretical-practical work. As a result of the research, we detected the establishment of an educational management model created by Anália Franco, in the format of a pedagogical circuit, whose centrality was based on expanding access to public labor and intellectual space for women and the poor, as well as the construction of a political-pedagogical project based on an ethical-moral renewal of republican society, aiming for its democratization.pt_BR
Idioma: dc.language.isoenpt_BR
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectDemocratic Republicanismpt_BR
Título: dc.titleThe Democratic Political-Educational Thought of Anália Franco (Atena Editora)pt_BR
Tipo de arquivo: dc.typelivro digitalpt_BR
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