Indicators and metrics for intellectual capital management in generations Y and Z in IT outsourcing companies: a summary of a scientific research applied to companies in Brazil (Atena Editora)

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Resumo: dc.description.abstractIn recent years, IT outsourcing has been the solution adopted by companies as a strategy to reduce operating costs, in addition to maintaining the technology park, improving processes, among other benefits. The service desk is the first and most common, with teams composed mostly of Millennials and Centennials, with flexible, versatile and adaptable profiles. These characteristics linked to the organizational culture and the Brazilian market contribute to the turnover, low performance and drop in service provision. One of the facts that explains this situation is the poor management/retention and measurement of intellectual capital, which in practice means a poor management of knowledge or a poor generation of conditions for its circulation, capture and measurement of the value it generates. This article summarizes research carried out on companies that provide this type of service in Brazil and employees of their respective teams. A quantitative study with data collected through the application of simple surveys aimed at these target audiences, based on the theories of IMA, Skandia, Navigator and BSC, with the objective of proposing indicators that, in addition to those currently practiced, are considered as new ways measurement by organizations and confirm that the retention of intellectual capital in service desk teams, specifically in these generations, contributes to improving the quality of the knowledge base and operational processes. From the results collected, with analyzes in the light of the questions inherent to the indicators in the literature, added to those proposed in this investigation, it can be proven that there is a gap to be filled in the metrics whose focus is primarily on knowledge management. KM in support centers has brought benefits to all involved, and its measurement needs to be considered as a strategy for retaining the intellectual capital of these generations, differentials in the business structures of the new times.pt_BR
Idioma: dc.language.isoenpt_BR
Palavras-chave: dc.subjectINTELLECTUALpt_BR
Título: dc.titleIndicators and metrics for intellectual capital management in generations Y and Z in IT outsourcing companies: a summary of a scientific research applied to companies in Brazil (Atena Editora)pt_BR
Tipo de arquivo: dc.typelivro digitalpt_BR
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