Navegando por Autor Colwell, Robert K.

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  • Federal University of Goiás, Department of Ecology, Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution; University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Department of Biology; University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences; Royal Botanic Gardens; University of Oxford, Department of Plant Sciences; Federal University of Goiás, Department of Ecology, Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution; Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL; Federal University of Santa Maria Federal; University of Goiás, Department of Ecology, Graduate Program in Ecology and EvolutionSwiss; Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL; Federal University of Goiás, Department of Ecology, Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution; Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey; Federal University of Uberlândia; State University of Maringá, Centre of Biological Sciences, Department of Biology, Graduate Programme in Ecology of In-land Water Ecosystems, Centre of Research in Limnology, Ichthyology and Aquaculture (Nupélia); State University of Mato Grosso do Sul; State University of Maringá, Centre of Biological Sciences, Department of Biology, Graduate Programme in Ecology of In-land Water Ecosystems, Centre of Research in Limnology, Ichthyology and Aquaculture (Nupélia); State University of Maringá, Centre of Biological Sciences, Department of Biology, Graduate Programme in Ecology of In-land Water Ecosystems, Centre of Research in Limnology, Ichthyology and Aquaculture (Nupélia); Technological University of Paraná, Department of Computer Science; Federal University of Paraíba, Department of Systematic and Ecology; State University of Maringá, Centre of Biological Sciences, Department of Biology, Graduate Programme in Ecology of In-land Water Ecosystems, Centre of Research in Limnology, Ichthyology and Aquaculture (Nupélia); University of Brasília, Department of Ecology; Federal University of Goiás, Department of Ecology, Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution; University of Connecticut, Department of Ecology and Evolution; University of Colorado Museum of Natural History; Federal University of Goiás, Department of Ecology, Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution; Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
    Cassemiroa, Fernanda A. S.; Albert, James S.; Antonelli, Alexandre; Menegotto, André; Wüest, Rafael O.; Cerezer, Felipe; Coelho, Marco Túlio P.; Reis, Roberto E.; Tan, Milton; Tagliacollo, Victor; Bailly, Dayani; Silva, Valéria F. B. da; Frota, Augusto; Graça, Weferson J. da; Ré, Reginaldo; Ramos, Telton; Oliveira, Anielly G.; Dias, Murilo Sversut; Colwell, Robert K.; Rangel, Thiago F.; Graham, Catherine H.