Navegando por Autor Almeida, Leonardo B.

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  • Faculty of Physiotherapy of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and the Cardiovascular Research Unit and Exercise Physiology of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and University Hospital of the UFJF; Cardiovascular Research Unit and Exercise Physiology of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and University Hospital of the UFJF; Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the UFJF and the Cardiovascular Research Unit and Exercise Physiology of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and University Hospital of the UFJF; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Faculty of Physiotherapy of the UFJF and the Cardiovascular Research Unit and Exercise Physiology of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and University Hospital of the UFJF
    Seixas, Mariana B.; Almeida, Leonardo B.; Trevizan, Patrícia F.; Martinez, Daniel G.; Laterza, Mateus C.; Vanderlei, Luiz Carlos M. [UNESP]; Silva, Lilian P.